
TSASS Fellowship Program for Surgeons 2023

  The purpose of a TSASS fellowship is to provide additional experience for trained orthopedic surgeons interested in Arthroscopy. It is the responsibility of the host Orthopedic Center to ensure that the fellow becomes conversant in the principles, indications, planning, techniques and complications of Arthroscopy and develops the hands-on surgical skills for general arthroscopic practice. Fellows are expected to enthusiastically immerse themselves in all aspects of the program offered by the host center.  

Requirements for TSASS Fellowship Program Qualification

  Successful candidates must meet the following criteria: • Be a current member of TSASS • Be an Orthopedic Surgeon (or in-training, but at least in the 4th year as resident in the specialty) • Speak and understand English, French or Arabic • Submit a complete application form before 15 November each year to tsass.secretariat@gmail.com • Have not participated in TSASS fellowship within the past Two years (from the date when the application is handed in) • For residents, authorization from their head of department is required.

TSASS Fellowship Program